Several factors can influence home solar system costs. Our residential solar systems reviews are proof that we work to ensure the lowest home solar system costs without compromising the quality or reliability of systems.
Consider the most important points that will be used to determine home solar system costs for your household.
- Household Demand – This is one of the most important aspects of the calculation. As you can imagine, the total home solar system cost varies from family to family. In modern houses where electrical appliances are widely used, there’s a significant demand placed on the electrical system. This can be offset if some aspects of the home like heating and cooking appliances are gas-powered. Whatever the situation is in your home, we can design efficiently sized residential solar systems that reduce or in some cases eliminate your reliance on the grid.
- Available Space – Residential solar systems are only as effective as the solar panels that supply them. The key limitation for most properties is the available space for solar panels. Smaller homes or less viable rooftop space means lower production. This could mean a more cost-effective installation but the electricity generated might not fully cover the demands of the household. With more space available and good positioning to capture more sunlight, more electricity can be generated. We provide a complete energy evaluation to determine how much solar your home could produce, and find out whether solar is right for your needs.
- System Design– Home solar system cost is also determined by the overall system design. In addition to the number and type of panels used, other features like battery backup can add to the total home solar system cost. A larger and more capable system might cost more on paper, but the costs are typically offset over the life of the system when factoring in the savings made by relying less on the grid.
Choosing the right installer for residential solar power in New York is just as important as the other factors that we’ve listed above. At New York Power Solutions, we use efficient solar panels, inverters, and battery systems. You can track your usage in real-time to limit power consumption from the grid. If you produce excess energy, this can be exported to the grid, giving you a financial benefit under net metering.
Our installation costs are competitive with the market and we offer split financing with a no money down period. There are also government-backed incentives to consider that will reduce the total home solar system cost.
The reality is that solar cost varies from household to household, so it’s always best to talk to us when you want to get started with a ballpark figure. Our energy evaluation will look at your usage, the location of your home, and how much solar you could produce.
We provide initial consultations free of charge so that you can start to think about the price and decide if residential solar power in New York is right for you.