New York Solar Backup for Your Business

New York Solar Backup for Your Business

With inflation and rising electricity costs across the nation, businesses are feeling the pinch. Solar panels and New York solar backup can reduce your operating costs. With New York solar backup batteries, you can get more efficiency from your solar panels. There are also operational benefits when you get a custom New York solar installation from the New York Power Solutions team.

Why Should Your Business Consider Battery Backup for Solar Power in New York?

Battery backup is the biggest improvement you can add to solar power in New York. A solar battery works several ways to create more value in your New York solar installation…

  • New York solar backup harvests electricity daily to recharge a battery array.
  • Your battery system can kick in in the evenings to offset peak rates.
  • New York solar backup also adds redundancy. If the grid goes down, your batteries can keep your business running.

With battery backup, you can maximize the savings that you enjoy from commercial solar power in New York. And, with the ability to deploy when the grid is offline, your business will be immune to the outages that often occur in New York.

If you’re considering a New York solar installation for your business, a solar battery could be included in the planning. If your business is eligible for solar tax credits, the solar battery can be included in the system’s total cost.

For the most efficient and reliable system, trust New York Power Solutions.

If you’re interested in a New York Solar Installation, please call us. We’ll explain the process and get you energy independent as soon as possible!

Do You Need a Large Business to Benefit from a New York Solar Installation?

No matter the size of your business, you can enjoy advantages with a New York solar installation. Solar offsets utility costs by delivering most of your energy during daylight hours. With a battery, you can even use solar energy in the evenings.

In the news, solar is often seen being deployed at large corporations. The largest commercial solar users include Apple, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. But you don’t need to run a large business to enjoy the advantages of solar. Startups, small local businesses, and medium-sized businesses can all use solar and see incredible savings and improvements in operational efficiency. After all, solar is highly efficient when used for homes in New York, so the size of the business is never an issue.

The demand for commercial solar is rapidly increasing, and some interesting statistics indicate the pace of the industry. According to a recent World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion report, the first terawatt of solar installations took 80 years to achieve. But in the next three years, the global solar grid will expand by another terawatt. We will double the current capacity in three short years, and things will only grow from there.

Avoid the Energy Crisis with New York Power Solutions

There’s an energy crisis in America, with capacity falling short and prices continuing to increase. This can take a toll on your business as costs continue to inflate. You can avoid this by investing in a New York solar installation.

The New York Power Solutions team is the state’s most reliable commercial solar installer. We’ve installed more than 5,000 systems so far, and we continue to help local businesses by designing the most efficient solar systems available today. You can get started with your free estimate for commercial solar. Our team is standing by to begin the consultation process.