Free Solar Estimate in Wallkill

The Solar Installation Process in Elmsford, Westchester County

Switching to renewable energy can be an exciting process, but you might also feel a little intimidated as you think about all the steps in your Elmsford solar installation. From planning to permits and then the installation itself, there’s seemingly a lot involved.

While the solar installation process might look complicated on paper, it’s quite easy to get through everything when you have a trusted solar company to help you along the way.

New York Power Solutions is your partner for Elmsford solar installation. When you see our five-step process, you’ll quickly understand why more than 5,000 families and businesses have chosen us for a simple switch to solar.

Step 1: The Solar Installation Process Starts with a Detailed Consultation

You can request a free ballpark estimate for your Elmsford solar installation. We provide estimates based on satellite data, giving you an idea of the cost. If you’re happy with the initial estimate, we can move to the first step in the process. We’ll schedule a detailed consultation with a design brief, ensuring that your home is ready for solar.

If you’re interested in a New York Solar Installation, please call us. We’ll explain the process and get you energy independent as soon as possible!

Step 2: An On-Site Estimate and Cost/Benefit Breakdown for Solar

An accurate final estimate will be based on an in-person inspection of your home and your rooftop. We’ll physically inspect the property and use drone technology to assist in the assessment. We’ll prepare a final estimate based on the specifics of your home and your unique needs.

With this estimate, we’ll create a cost/benefit evaluation. This will help you to understand the real value of putting solar panels on your roof. This evaluation will outline the potential returns of solar while also giving you an indication of the pay-through period.

When solar is designed correctly for your home, you’ll typically be able to generate savings equal to the cost of installation within the first ten years.

Step 3: Permits for Home Solar in Elmsford NY

Local permits will need to be acquired before you can install home solar in Elmsford NY. Navigating this process on your own could be difficult and at times overwhelming. When you choose New York Power Solutions for your installation, this step will be completely taken care of.

You only need to fill out forms once. We’ll take care of the rest, acting on your behalf to secure any necessary permits. Our solar plans are accurate and designed to be code-compliant, avoiding setbacks in the process.

With our team, you can sit back in confidence, knowing that the process is moving ahead without complication. We make solar easy for the average family in Westchester County.

Step 4: Installation Day

Once all the planning is taken care of, we’ll schedule the installation day. The actual process usually takes around half a day for an average-sized home. Our technicians will come out and install the equipment, hook everything up, and leave nothing behind but reliable solar. We clean up all the mess as we go, and we take care to protect your roof and respect your property and privacy.

Our installers use low-penetration racking and flashing to ensure that solar panels are stable without compromising the structure of your roof. We can also install critter guards to protect wildlife and the undersides of your panels.

Step 5: Get Acquainted with Your System with a Welcome Meeting

The final step is a welcome meeting at your home. We’ll teach you how your system works and get you familiarized with everything. You’ll have the chance to ask questions and we’ll set you up with our solar monitoring apps. If you choose to install a solar battery system, we’ll teach you how this works so that you can get the best savings, flexibility, and reliability.

Kick Things Off with Your Free Home Solar Estimate in Elmsford

Get things moving and make the switch to solar. Our solar installation process has been designed for simplicity, ensuring that you get clean, affordable, and reliable solar without stress. Your free home solar estimate in Elmsford is available now.