
New York Renewable Energy Credits Help You Get More Out of Solar

If you’re still considering solar for your home, you can enter a similar program with New York renewable energy credits. Under Net Metering, you can get paid in New York renewable energy credits that offset your monthly bill.

Rhode Island Legal Battle Underscores Importance of New York Solar Rebates

In New York, we can take advantage of several rebates and tax credit programs to improve the affordability of solar. New York solar rebates can dramatically reduce the cost of installation, making it possible for more families and businesses to make the switch.

Protecting Yourself from Scams When Choosing a Solar House Company

Some disappointing news hit the solar industry at the end of last week. More than 50 residents in Cape Cod, Massachusetts found themselves left disappointed with Solar Wolf Energy, a company that promised to install solar power. . You can avoid scams and disappointment by choosing a leader in New York solar installations.

Net Metering in New York Keeps Solar Affordable

With Net Metering in New York, you can get paid for the energy that you export to the grid. If you’re thinking about having a New York solar installation, learning about Net Metering can help you to make the right decision.

Do You Need Private Solar Energy in New York?

It’s great news that Staten Island is getting more energy storage for renewables. But is this something that you should consider for your home if it were available? What are the downsides of community solar, and what are the advantages of private solar energy in New York?

Can a Solar Backup System Protect You from Outages?

At the end of May, a Canary Media report found that California’s investment in battery storage will increase energy security for the state. This government-funded initiative will supplement diesel backup systems that are used to prop up aging gas power plants.

NYS Solar Tax Credit and You

An investment in solar panels will free you from the ludicrous electricity prices in NY. As rates increase, the appeal of solar power in New York only increases. Through income tax benefits and other programs, you can reduce the real cost of your New York solar installation.

Making Solar Affordable: What is Net Metering Solar?

Solar power in New York is known as a clean and affordable alternative to taking your electricity directly from the grid. What is net metering solar, how does it work, and how does it keep solar affordable for your family?

New York State Solar Incentives are Essential for the Solar Industry

If you’re in New York, you can offset the cost of your solar installation with NY solar tax credits and incentives. Government incentives help to ensure that more people can switch to solar, supporting families, businesses, and the wider industry.

California Just Spent $1 Billion on Battery Backup for Solar Panels

If you’re thinking about getting solar, you might have considered battery backup for solar panels as optional. But if you’re looking for the best efficiency and reliability, a solar battery will return value that goes far beyond the initial investment.